
Computer Science, Philosophy, and Culinary Arts

Dee Yeum



BSc Cognitive Science (Informatics)

University of Edinburgh
2018-21 & 2022-23

Predicted first-class honours with dissertation on
Software Tool to Analyse Finite Monoid in Category Theory
powered by react typescript and rust compiled to wasm.
Relevant Courses
Math Core - Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Calculus, Probability and Statistics
CS Core - Algorithms, Data Structures, Computer Architecture, Object-Oriented Programming
Theory - Theory of Computation, Compilers, Functional Programming, First-order and Modal Logics
Data Science - Machine Learning, Speech Processing, Text classification and Information Retrieval
Relevant Courseworks


Full-Stack Software Developer

Summer 2022 - Ongoing

  • Worked in a proprietary trading team to build a trading engine management console in nextjsreact, allowing quantitative researchers and traders to control hundreds of engines in a centralised user interface.
  • Adopted a responsive design with tailwindcss allowing the traders to control trading engines on mobile devices remotely.
  • End-to-end and component testing using cypress and its CI/CD integration on jenkins.
  • Integration of cryptocurrency exchange APIs such as binance.
  • Viapontica AI
    Summer 2020

  • Worked with the UK Government to develop software to recognise unsafe incidents in public.
  • Designed and deployed scalable and optimized flask server in python on aws.
  • Implemented all endpoints to guarantee a O(n) running time while also considering the scalability.
  • SymbaSync Ltd
    Summer 2019

  • Worked on a talent sourcing management software written in typescript and mongodb.
  • Integrated the software with SAP HR Platform, allowing the company to successfully deliver a pilot to new clients including RBS, OTP Bank, and more.
  • Functional Programming Teaching Assistant

    University of Edinburgh
    Sep 2019 - Ongoing

  • Received £15k grant over two academic years to develop a property-based testing software in a custom DSL, written mostly in haskell.
  • Deployed a web platform for markers to grade assignments and provide feedback.
  • Allowing 500+ students to use automated testing to receive immediate feedback and speed up their learning, as well as dramatically reduce the marking time and cost of the teaching team.
  • Taught weekly tutorial for over 60 students, introducing logic and various computational models. 20+ hours per week contract while keeping up with full time study.
  • Nominated for Edinburgh University Student Association Teaching Award two years in a row.
  • Programming Language Research Assistant

    University of Edinburgh
    Summer 2021

  • Worked on the client-side runtime of Links, a functional language for web programming written in ocaml. Jointly funded by
  • CI/CD integrations githubActions of cross-browser testing using selenium and jest in node, allowing the research team to have a complete automation of end-to-end testing.
  • Produce benchmark script based on
    Unbounded Spigot Algorithms
  • Design & implementation of wasm compiler, which achieves 30%-90% faster client-side performance.
  • Projects/Awards

    Personal Website

    Personal website with CV and blog. Powered by gatsby with react and graphql. Custom markdown parser written in rust and wasm.



    Sign-up, payment, and stats for the weekly home tournament that I organise among the students.Built with reacttailwindcssgo and postgressql.

    Other hackathons

    Invited with a travel grant, 3rd prize or below.
  • Hello World Hack 2020, Edinburgh.
  • ICHack 2019, Imperial College London.
  • Junction 2020, Aalto University, Finland.
  • Facebook Hack 2020, Facebook London.
  • Digital Education Hack, Edinburgh.
  • Hack Cambridge 2020, Cambridge.
  • Open-source contribution

    Documentation PRs in: Hspec, GatsbyJS, Google OR-Tools, Firebase, PLFA, jsprit and more.

    Other awards

  • Saltire Golden Award by the Scottish Government for 220 hours volunteering. Taught imperative programming in several state schools under Edinburgh Council.
  • 12 Kyu certified in Go by Korea Baduk Association.
  • 2 years winner of the Natural Language Processing Challenge hosted by G-Research.